American journal of environmental biology takes pride in making its website completely accessible across the globe. Our web team ensures that individuals with special needs (sight, hearing and other motor issues) can surf us with ease. It takes an dedicated effort to be compliant with the internationally acceptable Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Our goal is to adhere with AA standards of WCAG, thus our website is friendly towards the new technologies especially:
1. Text to speech engines.
2. Open source text fonts.
3. Adjustable font sizes and magnification options.
4. Web page to pdf conversion.
5. Adjustable background to text contrast and brightness levels.
6. Move to the top link at the bottom of the screen.
7. Content is not restricted with respect to its view and display orientation,
Our dedicated team constantly monitors our compliance with the latest versions of the common browsers namely:
1. Firefox (Mozilla)
2. Chrome (Google)
3. Safari (Apple)
4. Edge (Microsoft)
All the downloaded documents from this website can be utilized through a common open source platforms like:
1. Open Office
2. Libre Office
3. Okular
4. Adobe Acrobat DC (not open source, but free)
Our best efforts are directed towards making this website user friendly. In case if you find any accessibility limitations with our website or want to suggest any improvement kindly write to us using our Contact Us page.