American Journal of Environmental Biology (AJEB) is a broad-based, peer-reviewed open access International journal that publishes research articles in the field of Environmental Biology. All manuscripts submitted for publication to the journal will be subjected to preliminary scrutiny and if not found suitable for publication in AJEB, will be returned. Those found suitable for publication will be sent for further peer review to experts in respective areas of research. AJEB follows both single and dual blind review system and the decisions are solely based on the results of peer reviews. Authors will be notified of acceptance, need for revision or rejection. The journal reserves the right of rejection at any stage without assigning the reason. Submission of a manuscript to this journal implies that:
- It has not been published elsewhere and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- It does not consist of duplicate material already published.
- It does not contain plagiarized material.
- It has been approved by all the authors and the concerned institutions.
AJEB publishes the following types of articles:
Research articles: Research articles should report the original research in the field of our journal’s domain. The manuscript should contain preferably 4000-6000 words (20 print pages or less) and with 15 to 30 references. It generally includes Abstract, Introduction with literature background, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections.
Review articles: Review articles are less formal than research articles and should provide an authoritative and balanced summary of research on a certain topic. It should give new insights not previously presented in the literature, or at least not with the same level of detail. These articles should include enough literature review to provide a basis for understanding and interpretation of the topic under consideration. The review articles generally have 6000-10000 words with around 50 to 100 references and text subdivided into subheadings and references.
Short Communications: Short communications present original and significant new ideas, and/or recent advances for rapid dissemination. The work reported needs to be technically sound, innovative and significantly unique, advancing the state of the art. Short Communications should be concise with a general word limit of 2000-3000, and around 10 references. The article should contain an abstract, main body and references, and should contain no more than 6 figures or tables, combined. The abstract is limited to 100 words.
Supplement or Special Issue: AJEB also considers the publication of Supplement or Special Issue based on proceedings of National & International Conferences hosted by reputed academic societies.